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Preventive Test Event given new date

Amendment to Infection Protection Regulation:

Sun, 23. August 2020
Preventive Test Event given new date

Following discussions with the district of Treptow-Köpenick and the Senate of Berlin, 1. FC Union Berlin has re-dated their application to host an event with preventative testing to 25 October.

The current regulations to protect from infection are valid until October 24 in Berlin. Testing and approving a new hygiene strategy requires care and time. "Our guiding idea and our process have been met with great interest and have been welcomed by many as a supplementary measure for events which we cannot have today. The fact that there were questions about it is normal and does not surprise us. We will support the authorities in the coming weeks and do everything we can to enable the Senate of Berlin to include the new preventative test controls among the catalogue of measures which can be used from October 25 onwards," said club president Dirk Zingler. "At the same time, we are taking the current developments into account. Over the last few days, the tests among the population have expanded by almost 300,000 per week and the laboratories and health authorities have reached their capacity limit. What we have always said up front: we only want to use free testing capacities and motivate those to increase capacities, developing faster and cheaper procedures. For us, it's a matter of course not to wait inactively, but to actively contribute to making social life possible again without social distancing, around events."

Up to and including October 24, all events at the Stadion An der Alten Försterei will be carried out within the infection protection framework, which is valid up to that date and in compliance with the previously established hygiene concept. For open-air events, which also include football matches, the maximum limit of 5,000 participants will come into force from September 1.