Fan Info Ahead of Braga
Champions League in Olympiastadion

The time has finally come. On Tuesday, 03 October 2023, 1. FC Union Berlin will welcome SC Braga to Berlin's Olympiastadion for their first home match in the UEFA Champions League. Kick-off is at 18:45.
All Union fans who will be attending the match can find all the information they need for their visit to the stadium below. In addition, the Berlin police have drawn up a fan letter (German).
Arrival/departure by public transport:
From Köpenick, it is recommended that you travel by S-Bahn. This will run every 3 minutes from 16:30. There will also be return trains running on three minute intervals after the match.
Ticket holders from the immediate vicinity of the stadium are recommended to travel by UBahn. Additional trains will also be in service from two hours before the stadium opens.
Arrival by car:
Metered parking is available on site at Trakehner Allee (P04).
Stadium opening
The stadium opens at 16:15. As the stadium is sold out, all visitors are advised to arrive early.
All visitors to the gegengerade should use the east gate (Osttor) at Olympischer Platz, visitors to the main stand will use the south gate (Südtor)at Coubertinplatz. Both entrances are shown on the site plan.
Bringing of bags or drinks
No bags larger than DIN A4 are allowed. You can use the baggage drop at Südtorweg/P5 (€3 fee). Drinks up to 0.25 l in cardboard containers are allowed.
Prohibited items
An overview of prohibited items can be found in this document.
Are there any remaining tickets available on the gate on match day?
No. The Olympiastadion is sold out for the match against SC Braga.
Can I offer my season or day ticket on the ticket re-sale market?
Yes, this is open until one hour before kick-off.
Can I upgrade my discounted day ticket or season ticket?
Yes, this is possible at the clearing points on the day of the match before you enter the stadium. Please refer to the map to find out where these points are located.
In what form do I need my ticket at the entrance?
Holders of a Print@Home ticket are advised to present it in paper form, as the scanners at the turnstiles can record them most quickly.
As usual, users of the Union app can use both their season and day ticket as a mobile ticket.
Can I also buy fan merchandise on site?
Yes. The Union-Mobile-Zeughaus will be on site and there will be further mobile sales stands.