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Scouting Calendar

Our Scouting Days

Large pitch (U19 to U14)

Invitations for a trial on the large pitch are only issued in isolated cases, for example in the case of a position-specific need and special sporting ability. A player is considered to have special sporting ability if he/she is playing in a higher league, is taking part in selection measures or has been assessed by our scouts/coaches as having above-average talent.

Small pitch (U13 to U8)

In addition to the opportunity to put themselves forward for trial training through competitive performances, talented young footballers also have the opportunity to take part in open playing assesments  at the junior training centre (e.g. talent days).

The Union Talent Days (U13 to U10) as well as other playing trials (U9/U8) take place twice a year (autumn and spring). Registration for these can be made via the contact form and is only possible once the respective dates have been fixed. The exact dates will be published on this page in good time.

Important! By registering, players undertake to inform their current club of their participation. This is a prerequisite for registration. Please direct enquiries about additional ages by e-mail to our youth scouting department.

Moreover we ask player from outside of Germany to refrain from applying at our scouting days. A transfer from foreign countries in our academy is only possible under special conditions. For a case-by-case assessement please send us an e-mail.

Application for scouting day

If the selection says "without date", then the scheduled talent days for the corresponding year group are already fully booked. You can still register, and we will take this into account when new dates are fixed.
For goalkeepers, goalkeeper-specific training takes place from E-Jugend age group at the earliest. Therefore, please decide in advance whether your child will participate as a goalkeeper or as an on-field player.
Parent or Guardian
Mandatory field

Next Dates

Started School 2017 | Training Group
Started School 2016 | Training Group
Started School 2015 | to be announced
Started School 2014 | to be announced