Quite a lot of people around here!

Child Protection

A safe place for kids and youths

Children and young people need special protection in every area of society.

This equally applies to the young sportsmen and sportswomen who play football with us in our youth teams. The protection of children and young people has therefore long been taken very seriously in Union's youth academy, in their children's football and in the department for women and girl's football.

Organised sport is morally and legally responsible for effectively protecting the children and young people entrusted to it from risks to their physical and psychological well-being (§ 1 Paragraph 3, Number 3 SGB VIII). Based on the guideline "Child Protection in Berlin Sports", 1.FC Union Berlin e.V. has committed to implementing the concept for child protection in sport in Berlin and the basic standards of child protection associated with it, with the support of appropriate experts.

The employees and coaches at the club's youth academy, in children's football and in the department for women and girls of 1.FC Union Berlin e.V. acknowledge their responsibility for the children and young people entrusted to their care. They ensure that child protection measures are implemented. Union Berlin demands that all voluntary and full-time employees, trainers and coaches in the entire academy to present an extended police clearance certificate.

The club has signed the child protection declaration of the Berlin State Sports Association. It has appointed one full-time employee, Christine Korves, and two volunteers, Cordelia Nawroth and Thorsten Scharf, as child protection officers for its youth department.

 Christine Korves

Christine Korves

Child Protection Representative

 Cordelia Nawroth

Cordelia Nawroth

Child Protection Representative

 Thorsten Scharf

Thorsten Scharf

Child Protection Representative